Police Officially Begins Investigation Into The Fans Kissing BTS’s Jin At His Hug Event

Published Categorized as Kpop

The police have started an investigation into an incident where Jin, a member of the group BTS, was unexpectedly kissed by a fan during a fan meeting event.

According to the Songpa Police Station in Seoul on the 19th of June, a complaint was received through the National Petition Center on the 14th from a fan of BTS (referred to as A) requesting an investigation into some fans who attempted to kiss Jin during the fan meeting, accusing them of violating the Sexual Violence Protection Law.

On the day before the complaint was received, Jin held a “Hug Event” for 1,000 fans at the Jamsil Indoor Gymnasium in Seoul. Some fans were seen approaching Jin closely, seemingly attempting to kiss his face, and this video spread online, causing controversy.

On the 15th, a photo of a post written by an individual suspected of attempting to kiss Jin during the “Hug Event” spread on social networking services (SNS).


The individual who wrote the post is a Japanese fan, and their blog post contained the content, “My lips touched his neck, and it was incredibly soft.”

Meanwhile, on the 12th, Jin completed his active duty in the 5th Infantry Division Basic Training Brigade in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province, and was officially discharged. Jin, who had served as a training instructor after enlisting in December 2022, became the first member of BTS to be discharged.

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Source: (A)

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By Kevin Miller

My name is Kevin Miller and I am responsible for writing Kpop content on Jazminemedia.com~ I have been a fan of Kpop since 2014 and I am a multi-stan

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