Once Famous Korean Rapper Delivers Tearful Apology Bowing His Head Again 6 Years After His Parents’ Debt Controversy

Published Categorized as Kpop

Rapper Microdot has directly expressed his feelings after 6 years since the controversy surrounding his parents’ debt.

On the afternoon of the 24th of June, Microdot held a showcase to celebrate the release of his new EP album ‘DARKSIDE’ at the Arts Tree Theater in Seoul’s Guro-gu. Microdot appeared on an official stage after 6 years since the controversy over his parents’ debt in 2018.

On this day, Microdot first greeted, “I’m nervous to be able to greet you like this again. I have spent time reflecting and making efforts since the incident. I apologize to those who have been affected by me and my parents.” He continued, “Meeting the victims and apologizing was the first thing I did, and that’s why it took 6 years. I am also reflecting on my first response. It was a foolish action. I am sorry,” and his eyes became teary. Microdot said, “These times have become the foundation for my future and album work. I think there will be many questions, and I will speak honestly through this opportunity.”

Microdot released his new album ‘DARKSIDE’ through major music sites at 6 p.m. on the same day.

Microdot’s parents were indicted for allegedly borrowing 400 million won from 14 acquaintances between 1990 and 1998 while operating a dairy farm in Jecheon, Chungbuk, and fleeing to New Zealand without repaying the debts in May 1998, causing shock. The incident was revealed belatedly in 2018, and the couple, who were staying in New Zealand, were arrested when they returned to Korea in April 2019.

In October 2019, the Cheongju District Court’s Jecheon Branch sentenced Microdot’s father, Shin, to three years in prison and his mother, Kim, to one year in prison. However, Kim managed to avoid detention until her sentence was finalized on the condition of compensating the victims. Both the couple and the prosecution appealed the first-instance ruling, leading to an appeal trial.

After the incident, Microdot stepped down from all the variety shows he was appearing on and went into self-reflection. After his hiatus, he was active as a producer in Vietnam, and he released the single album ‘PRAYER’ in September 2020, the album ‘My Story’ in 2021, and the single ‘Sensation’ and mini album ‘Cloud’ in 2023.

Source: (A)

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